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Results 3281-3290 of 3944 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).
Item hits:
YearTitleCourse CodeMediumDepartment
2017Intriduction to political,legal theories and philosophy of human rightsPgDHR 501EnglishFaculty of graduate studies
2017Human rights in conflict situations, international humanitarian lawPgDHR 507EnglishFaculty of graduate studies
2017Introduction to public international law and human rights lawPgDHR 502EnglishFaculty of graduate studies
2017Domestic mechanisms to protect and promote human rightsPgDHR 504EnglishFaculty of graduate studies
2017Economic valuation techniques for environmentPgDEM 5308EnglishFaculty of graduate studies
2017Global and Sri Lanka state of environmentPgDEM 5304EnglishFaculty of graduate studies
2017Development Theory and policiesPgDEM 5306EnglishFaculty of graduate studies
2017Management tools for environmentPgDEM 5307EnglishFaculty of graduate studies
2017Introduction to Human RightsPgDHR 5101EnglishFaculty of graduate studies
2018International and Regional Mechanisms on Protection and Promotion of Human rightsPgDHR 5202EnglishFaculty of graduate studies