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Results 3161-3170 of 3994 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).
Item hits:
YearTitleCourse CodeMediumDepartment
2017BiogeographyGYG 3253English / SinhalaGeography
2018BiogeographyGYG 3253EnglishGeography
2016Past climate and climate change-EnglishGeography
2019පුරා-දේශගුණය සහ දේශගුණ වෙනස්වීම්GYG 3150Sinhala/TamilGeography
2018සමකාලීන සමාජ හා පාරිසරික ගැටලුGYG 3267SinhalaGeography
2019ජෛව භූගෝල විද්‍යාව(Online)GYG 3153SinhalaGeography
2019වෙරළ භූ රූපණ විද්‍යාවGYG 3261SinhalaGeography
2019Quantitative analysis(Online)GYG 3262English / Sinhala / TamilGeography
2018Disaster managemement and preparednessGYG 3265English / SinhalaGeography
2018Disaster management and prepardnessGYG 3265EnglishGeography