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Results 21-27 of 27 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).
Item hits:
YearTitleCourse CodeMediumDepartment
2023Contract law12404English / Sinhala / TamilDepartment of Public & International Law
2023Criminal law12301English / Sinhala / TamilDepartment of Public & International Law
2023Family law12303English / Sinhala / TamilDepartment of Private and Comparative Law
2023Equity and law of trusts12305English / Sinhala / Tamil-
2023Law of Delict-English / Sinhala / TamilDepartment of Private and Comparative Law
2023Public International Law-English / Sinhala / TamilPublic & International Law
2023Equty & Trust-English / Sinhala / Tamil-