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Showing results 2725 to 2744 of 3404 < previous   next >
YearTitleCourse CodeMediumDepartment
2019Vectors and matricesIA 1005EnglishInstrumentation and automation technology
2018Video Production TechniquesCMS 2216English/ Sinhala-
2018Vidio Production TechniquesCMS 2216English / Sinhala-
2016Violence and Conflict - Related Psychological IssuesSOC 4283Sinhala/ EnglishSociology
2017Violence and Conflict-related Psychological IssuesSOC 4283Sinhala / EnglishSociology
2010Virtual Marketing (Level II - Sem VI)MKT 2205EnglishMarketing
2017War and violence , social cultural and human dimensionsMCPS 6202English-
2019Water PollutionET 2002EnglishEnvironmental technology
2019Web and Graphic DesigningICT 2214EnglishComputer teaching unit
2018Web and Graphics DesigningICT 2214Sinhala/ English/ TamilComputer Teaching Unit
2017Web and Graphics DesigningICT 2214SinhalaComputer Teaching Unit
2016Women's Health Nursing I (1)FN 2506English-
2017Working Capital ManagementACT 2203EnglishAccounting
2016Working Capital ManagementACT 2203EnglishAccounting
2018Working Capital ManagementACT 2203EnglishAccounting
2021Working Capital ManagementACT 3210English-
2022Working capital managementACT 3210EnglishAccounting
2010Working Capital Management (Level II Semester VII)ACT 2216EnglishAccounting
2016World Economic Development and Sri LankaECN 1204Sinhala/ English/ TamilEconomics
2017World Economic Development And Sri LankaECN 1204Sinhala / English / TamilEconomics