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Showing results 2213 to 2232 of 3404 < previous   next >
YearTitleCourse CodeMediumDepartment
2018Radio Programme ProductionCMS 3142English / SinhalaJournalism Unit
2023Reading in strategic managementDBA 7401EnglishPostgraduate & mid-career development unit
2010Recruitment and Selection (Level II sem V)HRM 2101EnglishHuman Resource Management
2016Regional DemographyDMG 3155Sinhala/ EnglishDemography
2017Regional DemographyDMG 3155English / SinhalaDemography
2018Regional DemographyDMG 3155English / SinhalaDemography
2016Regional development and planningMRDP 501EnglishFaculty of graduate studies
2018Regional development and planningMRDP 501EnglishFaculty of graduate studies
2019Regional development and planningMRDP 6101EnglishFaculty of graduate studies
2022Relationship marketingMKT 3230EnglishMarketing
2010Relationship Marketing (Level II - Sem VI)MKT 2209EnglishMarketing
2017Reseach methodsHLM 2309/MKT 2309EnglishMarketing
2019Research methodMBS 6204English-
2010Research Method (Level II Semester VII)HRm 2105EnglishHuman Resource Management
2010Research Method 2 (Level II Semester VII)ACT 2105EnglishAccounting
2010Research Method 2 (Level II Semester VII)FIN 2105EnglishFinance
2010Research method 2 (Level II Semester VII)MKT 2105EnglishMarketing
2010Research Method I (Level II - Sem VI)MGT 2100English-
2016Research Method II (Semester III Second half)MBA 626English-
2017Research Method II (Semester III Second Half)MBA 626English-