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Showing results 1886 to 1905 of 3400 < previous   next >
YearTitleCourse CodeMediumDepartment
2016Natural hasards and disaster managementMRDP 509EnglishFaculty of graduate studies
2018Natural hazards and disaster managementMRDP 509EnglishFaculty of graduate studies
2019Natural hazards and disaster managementMRDP 6104EnglishFaculty of graduate studies
2018Natural Resource and environment managementMEM 6101EnglishMasters of environmental management
2015Natural Resources & Environment ManagementMEM6301English-
2016Neo Classical Sociological TheorySOC 3173Sinhala/ EnglishSociology
2021Neo-classical sociological theorySOC 3173English / SinhalaDepartment of sociology
2018Network technologies and administrationPGDISM 507EnglishPostgraduate diploma in information systems management
2017New Directions in History WritingHIS 2123Sinhala/ EnglishHistory
2018New Trends in the Muslim WorldICV 3143TamilArabic & Islamic Civilization Unit
2019Non-conventional energy sources & their applicationsIA 2002EnglishInstrumentation and automation technology
2023Ocean Law & PolicyTLLM12314English-
2010Operation Management (Level I - Sem IV)MKT 1201EnglishMarketing
2018Operation Management (Repeat)MKT 1301EnglishMarketing
2016Operations and Quality Management (Trimester II)MBAIB 5105English-
2018Operations ManagementMKT 2312EnglishMarketing
2017Operations ManagementMKT 1301EnglishMarketing
2018Operations ManagementMBS 6202English-
2020Operations ManagementPGDBM-ml 5206EnglishFaculty of graduate studies
2023Operations managementMKT 3312EnglishMarketing