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Showing results 1132 to 1151 of 3404 < previous   next >
YearTitleCourse CodeMediumDepartment
2020IC 1203 – Web Application DevelopmentIC 1203English-
2021IC 1203 – Web Application DevelopmentIC 1203English-
2021IC 1302 – Programming I (2021)IC 1302English-
2020IC 1303 – Application Laboratory IIIC 1303English-
2021IC 1303 – Application Laboratory IIIC 1303English-
2021IC 2202 – Discrete MathematicsIC 2202English-
2021IC 2204 – Software EngineeringIC 2204English-
2016ICT for DevelopmentICT 2215Sinhala/ English/ TamilComputer Teaching Unit
2016ICT for DevelopmentICT 2215Sinhala/ English/ TamilComputer Teaching Unit
2018ICT for DevelopmentICT 2215Sinhala / English / TamilComputer Teaching Unit
2018ICT for DevelopmentICT 4DEnglish-
2023ICT LawTLLM12311English-
2022Implementing psychosocial intervention;need assessment, monitoring and evaluation and program management.PgDCP 5202English-
2018Independent Study: First Language Acquisition and BilirigualismENG 4283EnglishEnglish
2016Independent Study; First Language Acquisition and BilingualismENG 4283EnglishEnglish
2021Indroduction to data analysisFND 1202English / SinhalaDepartment of information technology
2022Induastrial marketingPGDip MM 5204/504English-
2020Industral relationsMLRHRM 51402EnglishMaster in labor relations and human resource management
2017Industrial EconomicsBEC 2303EnglishBusiness Economics
2018Industrial EconomicsBEC 2303EnglishBusiness Economics