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Showing results 1030 to 1049 of 3400 < previous   next >
YearTitleCourse CodeMediumDepartment
2016Health AssessmentFN 1215English-
2017Health DemographyDMG 2130Sinhala/ EnglishDemography
2018Health DemographyDMG 2130English / SinhalaDemography
2016Health EconomicsECN 4292EnglishEconomics
2016History of AmericasHIS 2239Sinhala/ EnglishHistory
2018History of ArtsHIS 3150English / SinhalaHistory
2017History of Buddhist Thought IBST 2122SinhalaBuddhist Studies
2020History of buddhist thought IBST 2122EnglishBuddhist studies
2017history of CapitalismHIS 3164English / SinhalaHistory
2021History of capitalismHIS 3164English / SinhalaDepartment of history
2017History of Colonialism IHIS 2137Sinhala/ EnglishHistory
2018History of Colonialism in Sri Lanka IHIS 2137English / SinhalaHistory
2017History of Colonialism in Sri Lanka IIHIS 3272Sinhala / EnglishHistory
2018History of Eastern EuropeHIS 4190English / SinhalaHistory
2017History of JournalismDJ 01English / Sinhala / Tamil-
2018History of ReligionsHIS 2236Sinhala/ EnglishHistory
2018History of ReligionsHIS 2236English / SinhalaHistory
2018History of Spread of Buddhism IBST 2128English / SinhalaBuddhist Studies
2017History of Sri Lankan MuslimsICV 2123TamilArabic & Islamic Civilization
2018History of Sri Lankan MuslimsICV 2123TamilArabic & Islamic Civilization Unit