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Showing results 2623 to 2642 of 3404 < previous   next >
YearTitleCourse CodeMediumDepartment
2017TaxationHLM 2308EnglishMarketing
2017TaxationMKT 2308EnglishMarketing
2017TaxationMOS 2308EnglishManagement and Organization Studies
2018TaxationACT 2303 / FIN 2308 / HLM 2308 / HRM 2308 / MKT 2308EnglishAccounting
2018TaxationMOS 2308EnglishManagement & Organization Studies
2018TaxationACT 2303EnglishAccounting
2021TaxationACT 3313English-
2022TaxationFIN 4238EnglishFinance
2022TaxationACT 3313EnglishAccounting
2023TaxationBBA 3308EnglishInternational Business
2010Taxation (Level II sem V)FIN 2200EnglishFinance
2016Team DevelopmentHRM 2210EnglishHuman Resource Management
2017Team DevelopmentHRM 2210EnglishHuman Resource Management
2018Team DevelopmentHRM 2210EnglishHRM
2018Team DevelopmentMOS 2212EnglishManagement & Organization Studies
2023Team developmentBBA 3213EnglishInternational Business
2022Team developmentHRM 3210EnglishHuman Resources Management
2010Team Development (Level II Semester VII)HRM 2209EnglishHuman Resource Management
2017Techniques of News CastingDJ 04English / Sinhala / Tamil-
2018Technology and EnvironmentET 1002EnglishEnvironmental technology