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Showing results 2369 to 2388 of 3400 < previous   next >
YearTitleCourse CodeMediumDepartment
2016Services Marketing (Semester III Second half)MBAMK 620English-
2017Services Marketing (Semester III Second-half)MBAMK 620English-
2017Services Marketing (Semester IV - Second Half)MBAMK 620English-
2016Sexual and Reproductive HealthDMG 2225/ENH 2214Sinhala/ EnglishDemography
2017Sexual and Reproductive HealthDMG 2225/ ENH 2214Sinhala/ EnglishDemography
2018Sexual and reproductive healthDMG 2225English / Sinhala-
2016Shakespeare StudiesENG 3149EnglishEnglish
2018Shakespeare StudiesENG 3249EnglishEnglish
2019Simpling TechniquesECN 4183EnglishEconomics
2010Small Business Management (Level II sem V)MGT 2205English-
2010Social & Environmental Reporting (Level II - Sem VI)ACT 2213EnglishAccounting
2018Social and Political formation..ICV 1208English / SinhalaArabic & Islamic Civilization Unit
2010Social Change and Human Resource Management (Level II Semester VII)HRM 2108EnglishHuman Resource Management
2017Social DemographyDMG 2121Sinhala/ EnglishDemography
2017Social DemographyDMG 2I20English / SinhalaDemography
2018Social DemographyDMG 2120English / SinhalaDemography
2017Social InstitutionsSOC 2121Sinhala/ EnglishSociology
2018Social InstitutionsSOC 2121English / SinhalaSociology
2016Social Movements in World PoliticsPSC 4276Sinhala/ English/ TamilPolitical Science
2017Social Movements in World PoliticsPSC 4276Sinhala / English / TamilPolitical Science