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Showing results 1408 to 1427 of 3404 < previous   next >
YearTitleCourse CodeMediumDepartment
2017Introduction to Intervention, Mediation and NegotiationINR 3247Sinhala / EnglishInternational Relations
2017Introduction to Islamic EconomicsICV - 2117TamilArabic & Islamic Civilization
2017Introduction to Islamic PrinciplesICV 1107TamilArabic and Islamic Civilization
2016Introduction to Islamic PrinciplesICV 1107TamilArabic and Islamic Civilization
2018Introduction to Islamic PrinciplesICV 1107English / Sinhala / TamilArabic & Islamic Civilization Unit
2022Introduction to islamic principlesICV 1107English / Sinhala-
2021Introduction to language and societyENG 3173EnglishEnglish language teaching
2018Introduction to literature in English Drama, Fiction and PoetryENG 1205EnglishEnglish
2021Introduction to literature in english, drama,fiction,and poetryENG 1205EnglishDepartment of english language teaching
2018Introduction to Literature in English: Drama, Fiction and PoetryENG 1205EnglishEnglish
2022Introduction to manufacturing sciencePGDip MM 5208 / 508--
2016Introduction to Media and Creative ArtsCMS 1202Sinhala/ EnglishJournalism Unit
2017Introduction to Media and Creative ArtsCMS 1202English / SinhalaJournalism Unit
2018Introduction to Media and Creative ArtsCMS 1202English / SinhalaJournalism Unit
2021Introduction to media and creative artsCCA 1202English / SinhalaDepartment of communication & creative arts
2016Introduction to Media and Creative Arts/ ජනමාධ්‍ය හා නිර්මාණාත්මක අධ්‍යයන ප්‍රවේශයCMS 1202SinhalaJournalism Unit
2016Introduction to Media and Creative Arts/ ජනමාධ්‍ය හා නිර්මාණාත්මක අධ්‍යයන ප්‍රවේශයCMS 1202Sinhala/ EnglishJournalism Unit
2016Introduction to NursingFN 1209English-
2017Introduction to NursingFN 1309English-
2017Introduction to Nursing (Practical)FN 1309English-